Relieve Reflux: Discover Doomoo's Sleeping Solutions for Your Baby!

Your baby is spitting up, presenting reflux symptoms? With some of Doomoo sleeping products, you should be able to create a better area for your baby.

First, always put your baby to sleep on his back on a firm mattress. Make sure the crib or the sleeping area is free of thick blankets, pillows, loose objects, or toys. Pediatricians recommend inclining the upper part of your baby’s body when he’s resting. It aids both breathing and digestion.

That’s the reason Doomoo created doomoo Rest Easy: a sloped positioner with an angle of 15°, which will help your baby breathe and digest comfortably while resting.

Set up the Rest Easy under the mattress or the sheet bed, lay baby on the slope to rest, and let gravity do its job.

You can combine the doomoo Rest Easy with all Doomoo back positioners:

If you are already using the doomoo Supreme Sleep Plus, you will gain 7° of inclination for a total slope of 22°.

Check our doomoo sleeping products below!